None of us have any iota of doubt that fire safety happens to be a primary consideration while planning the building design and its management. However, it has often been observed that many builders, planners, sundry real estate businesses, etc. unfortunately ignore the significance of firewalls, which are today more linked with IT security compared to physical safety.
You need to evaluate the measures taken for staying safe during a fire in your built environment with the help of the following checklist:
1. Install Fire Protection
Smoke alarms safety is the most important component of fire protection. As it is said that prevention is better than cure, smoke alarms prevent by acting as your best fundamental alert system in the course of fire. Without fail, you need to confirm that smoke alarms are installed on every level of your residential building, including the basement, and outside each sleeping area. You may have the habit of sleeping with the door closed. In such a scenario, it is better to establish one inside your sleeping area too.
Check the alarms each month and remove batteries once a year, or whenever an alarm alerts to signal low battery power. Refrain from borrowing the battery of a smoke alarm for another use. Any weakened alarm system won’t save any life. Change all alarms that are above a decade old. For comprehensive home protection, contemplate fitting an automatic fire sprinkler system.
2. Monitor Smokers
Casual and negligent smoking is the primary cause of fire deaths in the United States. You may smoke in bed or when you feel tired. Both could be disastrous. Only for the smokers, provide them with a few huge, deep, non-tip ashtrays, and soak butts with water before they dispose of them. Before you go to bed or leave home after someone was smoking, thoroughly check everywhere around to trace burning cigarettes.
3. Kitchen Safety
If something is cooking, always someone or the other must stay near the cooking area to monitor it closely. The cooking areas must be clutter-free from combustibles. Wear short, rolled-up clothes, or tight-fitting sleeves while you cook. Make sure that pot handles are inward on the stove so that you can’t bump them and children can’t grab them. Impose a rule of a kid-free zone of three feet or one meter around your kitchen area. Unfortunately, in case of grease catches fire in a pan, slide a lid over the pan to extinguish the flames and switch off the heat source. Keep the lid on until the pan is cooled entirely.
4. No Matches and Lighters Within the Reach of The Children
You can use child-resistant lighters exclusively and store all matches and lighters up high, where kids can’t access them, especially in a locked cabinet. Children should be taught that matches and lighters are tools, that only grown-ups can use. Warn the young children to report to an adult if they notice matches or lighters. Matured children should immediately bring matches and lighters to their elders.
5. Give Room to Space Heaters
Confirm that portable heaters and space heaters are at least three feet or one meter away from anything flammable. Make sure children and pets stay away from heaters, and switch them off while you go to bed or leave home.
6. Strategize Your Escape Route from Fire
God forbids! If a fire tries to engulf your home, you need to move out quicker. Discuss with the members of your family and strategize an escape plan well in advance. Everyone should be on the same page regarding the escape plan. All of you must be aware of a minimum of two unhindered exits from each room. That includes windows too, if feasible. If you live in an apartment building, avoid the elevator and use the stairs, for escape. Fix a meeting place outside. Religiously, there must be a practice of fire drill with your entire household at least twice a year. Utilize the benefits of fire alarm safety with everyone.
7. Cool a Burn
Spill cold water from a tap over a burn for 10 to 15 minutes. Don’t use ice. Refrain from putting butter or any other grease on a burn. In case, the burned skin exfoliates or is charred, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.
8. Safely Use Electricity
You may find an electric appliance smokes or has a weird smell, immediately unplug it. Get it serviced before you reuse it. Change all dysfunctional electrical cords. Just plug one electrical cord only into each receptacle. Refrain from running any cords under rugs. Never fiddle with the fuse box or employ inaccurately sized fuses.
9. Stop, Drop, and Roll
Accidentally, if your clothes catch fire, never run. Stop where you are located, drop to the ground, protect your face with your hands, and roll over and over to extinguish the flames. Use only water for cooling the burn and seek help.
10. Crawl Low Under Smoke
You may encounter smoke during your escape from a fire. Remember to use the alternative escape route explained in one of the above points. It is like Plan B. If you are compelled to escape through smoke, then it is better to crawl on your hands and knees, maintaining your head 12 to 24 inches or 30 to 60 centimeters above the floor, where cleaner air can be expected.
If you have signed up with the provider of the best fire alarm system service in California, then you can feel relaxed as they are expected to cater to all your needs to stay safe from fire.
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