BEC is a proud affiliate of IBEW: The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
Founded in 1891, IBEW now employs nearly 750,000 workers and places a strong emphasis on social justice, job-site safety, green jobs, training, and equal opportunity for all workers.
BEC is associated with Locals 11, 40, 100, 234, 413, 428, 440, 441, 477, 595, 639 and 952.
BEC is a proud affiliate of NECA: The National Electrical Contractors Association.
Founded in 1901, NECA represents electrical contractors from firms of all sizes performing a range of services. NECA is dedicated to enhancing the industry through innovative research, performance standards, progressive labor relations, and workforce recruiting and training.
Whether high-voltage power transmission or low-voltage lighting, electrical contractors ensure these systems work in a safe, effective, and environmentally-sound manner.